Tag Archives: Wife

Question of the Day

Phone: Ping! Ping!! Ping!!!

Me: Kilode? (Which means “What is the matter?”)

With a frown, I reached for my mobile phone and saw messages from my dear friend. In a flash, my frown transformed into a smile. I excitedly typed “Hi buddy 🙂 “, but just before I could send it I received another message from him, asking me this question; “what’s your take on a man correcting his wife like a two-year old kid, and that involves spanking in public?” My response was “Never! No! That’s not right!” He told me to keep calm, that he had a story to tell me. He called me later, told me the full story, and from the tone of his voice I knew he was very unhappy.

Here is his story:
“I was about leaving my office when a woman, presumably in her late thirties, rushed into the office looking like she was being chased. I sat back, wondering what was wrong, but as soon as she went into my colleague’s office I remembered she was his wife. Seconds later, I heard loud voices coming from that same office, arguing and apologising. Then, out of the office came my angry colleague, followed by his pleading wife, wailing. The husband ranted, ‘I will beat you! You don’t take corrections.’ and he called her all sort of disapproving names. Their drama eventually got the attention of other colleagues who gathered the scene. When asked what the cause of this temper outbreak was, the husband explained that his wife, who was expected to have picked the children from their school by then was some minutes late. He claimed that he had warned her never to let that happen.”

“People pleaded on the scared wife’s behalf. The wife was even asked to go on her knees and beg her husband. As she was about to kneel, the husband raised his left hand to smack her but was quickly held by a fellow colleague. At this point, everyone who trying to help settle the matter got tired and disappointed and they told him to do whatever he pleased with his wife – then they all left the couple. Well, I had to leave my office too, so I don’t really know how the story ended.”

“So, is this a good way for a man to correct his wife? If not, how would you correct her?”

I will like you to share your views, opinions and your experiences below.

My Loud Thought with Jemima